Monday, October 21, 2013

A New Week!

Well today we made funny little monsters.  We brainstormed Halloween words and then we placed them on our little monsters.  The best thing about our monster was it was not scary, it was cute! :)  We followed simple directions and we successfully made the monster.  Check out twitter for the finished product!  They will not come home as we put them in our memory books that come home at the end of the year!  We like to save things to put in our books as then you get a nice finished product at the end of the year that shows you your child's growth throughout the year!  It is a great keepsake.  :)

Today we looked at the letter Zz and reviewed our other letters too.  I can tell out little friends have been practising because more and more of us are remembering what the letters and sounds are.  Wow!

We also looked at a cute Halloween song...

Also thank you to Ainslee for the crickets. Sharky and Snowflake will love them!

Also check out twitter, I will post more Sparky and Fightman Chad photos.  We ran out of time on Friday, so we will get them posted as soon as we can!