Thursday, October 3, 2013

Leaf Man

So today we continued with our investigation with leaves.  We went outside again to collect fresh fall leaves to make our leaf creations.  But first we watched a video of the book Leaf Man by Lois Ehlert.  It is read by a 4 year old boy.  It is too sweet.

When we were outside we actually had a Code Red drill. So we had to hide behind the new shed that is being built outside.  It was great practice for us and we did a great job! :) The police officers couldn't see us or hear us!

But when we finally came in we made some great creations. We are hoping to make a class book with all the great things we made.  So watch for that coming home.  We have some creative people in our class.

Also today we read another Lois Ehlert book... 
This is a great book.  :)
We have been trying to get outside as much as possible to do our playing as it will be a long winter.  So it has been wonderful to see such a nice fall.

Also please make sure you are practicing letters and sounds with your child as well as the sight words that come home.  This is really good practice for your child and we appreciate your help.  Please remember to send them into school atleast once a week so we can see how things are going on their homework.